I've been on the planet for the better part of a century. In that time, a few jobs have come my way, beginning in elementary school. In Grade Eight, I delivered flyers for a hardware chain. My teacher's brother was a distribution guy and he needed sneakers on the ground. That summer, I also delivered prescriptions for a pharmacy. Rode my bike all over town for forty cents an hour on Saturdays. If there were no deliveries, I washed the dude's car.
Below (in half-assed chronological order) are a few jobs I've had in my life.
Shoe store clerk , Grocery clerk, Groundskeeper, Caddy, Washer/Dryer/Freezer and Refrigerator assembly, House painter, Letter Carrier, Library Associate, Retail sales, Janitor/Custodian, Kitchen staff member, Union president (unpaid), Freelance writer (often unpaid), Stay-at-home dad (always unpaid), Book reviewer, Editor, Teacher, Youth worker, Education assistant, Reading tutor.
The one I liked the best is in red. It lasted four years. The best four years of my life.
This post is apropos of nothing, really. But I keep hearing the phrase jobs, jobs, jobs.
So tell me, what have you turned your hand to?
UPDATE: I should have mentioned that I'd been listening to this song when I was prompted to begin typing this post.