Saturday, May 8, 2010


My new weekend feature.  I'll type a quotation from a book I'm currently reading and set it here, in the lobby.  (This exercise is meant to take the place of actual thinking on my part.  Plus, the stuff will be better than my usual bleatings about life, death, retirement and hemorrhoids.  And, every quote comes with a free -- albeit digital -- Heineken.)

From,  'a spot of bother', by Mark Haddon:

"What they failed to teach you at school was that the whole business of being human just got messier and more complicated as you got older.
You could tell the truth, be polite, take everyone's feelings into consideration and still have to deal with other people's shit.  At nine or ninety."

1 comment:

Doctorboogaloo said...

Pens 1, Habs 0. End of first.