I love teaching kids how to play chess. I've been doing it for years, either at lunch/recess time or after school. But it takes patience. Hell, it might take weeks (each of our two separate club sessions is just 45 minutes/week) to get the neophytes to
fully understand how each piece moves and captures and, more importantly, what the actual
object of the game is. Then there's
en passant... which was today's lesson. If, before the Christmas break, I have five kids out of the forty who actually incorporate this move into their game, I will consider the whole enterprise this fall to have been a resounding success.
And don't even talk to me about a club tournament. It's in the planning stage, of course. Wish me luck. (In the event of my death and in lieu of flowers, just be fucking kind to each other, okay?)
And no, Jason. Pawns still cannot move backwards.