Recess was kid time. There was only one rule: don't draw blood. (Well, there were actually two rules. The second one was: don't touch Cindy Cullen's tit, even if she wants you to. Who knew? Live and learn, eh?) These days, a kid (especially one of the male calibration) can't seem to draw a breath without having a whistle blown, a time out, a lecture, a consequence or a suspension.
School is so 'safe' these days that outdoor recess is cancelled when the temperature dips to minus 15. Everyone is required to get in touch with their feelings (what I call the inner wimp); kids need goggles and the presence of a staff member to play floor hockey or mini-stick; aiming for a guy's head in dodge ball is a punishable offence; saying 'shut up' is unacceptable -- even if some prick is on your case and whispers that your sister fucks toads. You can't play Red Rover -- after all, someone might get an arm ripped off. You can't slide down a snow hill face first, or standing up, or if you've forgotten to bring snow pants, or if there's a bit of ice half-way down, or if Timmy twisted his ankle doing it last week, or -- heaven forbid -- the school board's Director of Dickheadedness decides to pay your little community a visit.
Ah, fuck me. I'm glad it's Friday night.
Oh yeah: Cindy... it was worth the punishment, babe. And I'm glad we're still friends. Hey, here's our song.
1 comment:
Good times, Doc. Good times.
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