Coronation Street is fifty years old today. That is a pint-raising achievement of the first order. (And I'm hoisting one as I type.)
In Canada, the shows we're watching on CBC are about a year old. (Joe's body has just surfaced on the lake: a fake death turned the real thing. And methinks poor old Gail is gonna be royally fucked. Jeezus, that woman has the worst luck picking men, dontcha think?)
Anyhoo... I'm a fan. Been watching for about thirty-five years. (Nearly gave it up a few years back, though. The suits kept killing off or getting rid of my favourite characters. Like Mavis and Derek. And Curly. And a bunch of other people I can't even remember... but I miss 'em anyway.)
Ah, well. Life (on The Street) goes on. Cheers, Corrie.
No problem understanding the accents in Canada, then?
I guess a lot of Canadians might find the accents a bit of a hard slog. But I grew up listening to all sorts: Scouse, Geordie, Cockney... and a couple Scots dialects to boot. (Though I must admit I get a trifle confused when some of my Welsh acquaintances really go at it.)
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