Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I woke up this morning with a song spinning in my head. The tune has been stuck there all day, playing over and over, and I fear I'll get no relief until I post something here at The Lunch Counter.

I played the song to death on my mid-sixties 'record player'. The walls of my room were plastered with the singer's pictures.

I love this woman and I love this song. Twenty-two never looked so good or sounded better than this.

All I Want is you, Ronnie.

Your loving fan,

Phineas Boogaloo

Now, please... let me get some work done.


unokhan said...

...and she got out alive

Doctorboogaloo said...

Yes she did. (I've been meaning to read her her autobiography for years. Still haven't tracked it down.)

I can't imagine what that freak put her through.