Friday, May 1, 2009

I love Joe Biden.

Worried about flu? Joe's advice was to stay the fuck away from confined spaces where people are either gonna sneeze on you, or wipe shit from their infected carcasses onto surfaces that you're probably going to touch.

He got kicked in the nut sack for that. But he's right. If there's flu aboard a plane or a subway car, chances are pretty fucking good you're gonna get hit full in the face.

So travel alone. Or shut the fuck up when you get sprayed.

(Note to Wolf Blitzer: Hey, Wolf, the real flu story is in Mexico City. Why not travel there by subway to cover it?)

I had a rough week, kids.


Jon said...

ah well it could have been worse...

didn't you see ron paul's response on information clearinghouse???


Doctorboogaloo said...

Jon: This Swine Flu thing has been hyped way over the top. Paul is right when he asks what the hell Homeland Security is doing in the medical business.

Biden was talking Swine Flu, but I was thinking of the regular, seasonal human variety that kills more than thirty thousand in the U.S. alone each year. (And when there are cases in town, I try to keep away from crowded movie theatres, etc. Ah, hell, what can you do, eh?)

The drug companies must love all this shit.

Jon said...

every time I hear stories in the news that seem to generate massive fear I always ask, Who benefits from this the most, and where is the cash flow heading...

and you've nailed it here... pharmaceuticals... third biggest industry after guns and oil...